Amit Mehta Photo

Amit Mehta, PhD

Front End React Developer

crypto app

Crypto Token Swap App

Tech Stack: React, TypeScript, Next.js, Ethers.js, Wagmi, RainbowKit

Crypto App to Swap ETH Tokens (Uniswap Clone) - This App clones the basic interface and Swap functionality of Uniswap. Connect your wallet and Select among the 15 most popular ETH Blockchain Tokens to Swap between.

JavaScript notebook

JavaScript Coding Notebook

Tech Stack: React, Redux, TypeScript

JavaScript Coding Notebook - This coding notebook is the JavaScript equivalent of the Jupyter Python Notebook. You can add multiple code cells, add code to the cells, including importing npm packages, and preview the output. You can also add markdown cells to take notes.

ecomm store

Ultima Fits Ecomm Store

Tech Stack: React, TypeScript, Javascript, Next.js, Apollo GraphQL, Keystone.js, MongoDB, Styled Components, Stripe API, Node.js

Full Stack Ecomm App with user login and authentication. GraphQL to query backend. Features include search bar with autocomplete dropdown, slide out cart with Stripe payment, pagination, customer order history, user can post items to sell, etc. Plus, Apollo Cache for fast refresh.

reminder app

Productivity App

Tech Stack: React, Redux, TypeScript, Material UI

Productivity App (Trello clone) - user can drag & drop cards, add, delete, and update cards. Professional Design using Material UI.

reminder app

Reminder SaaS App

Tech Stack: React, TypeScript, Javascript, Next.js, Apollo GraphQL, Keystone.js, MongoDB, Material UI, Stripe API, Node.js

Full Stack SaaS App user login and authentication. GraphQL to query backend. Clean Professional Design using Material UI. Upgrade to gold and platinum level with Stripe. Plus, Apollo Cache for fast refresh.

Retro MineSweeper Game

Tech Stack: React, TypeScript, Styled Components, CSS grid

Retro 1980's style Minesweeper game, complete with retro font, layout, and sounds. Created with Recursion to successively reveal cells.

Ghost Word Game - Can You Beat an AI Word Wizard?

Tech Stack: React & JavaScript

A word game played against a computer 'AI' I coded that simulates the game play, on each turn, using a prefix tree (trie) and recursion to determine next optimal letter to pick next.


Scientific Calculator

Tech Stack: React, JavaScript, Bootstrap

Uses advanced Regex and Recursion to correctly calculate equations with nested brackets. Keep a list of equations calculated, all saved to localStorage


Drum Machine

Tech Stack: React, JavaScript, Bootstrap

Click keypad to play sounds. Turn Power On or Off. Choose between 2 different sounds. Press the letter on the keypad to play sounds directly from keyboard.


Retro Snake Game

Tech Stack: React, TypeScript, Styled Components, CSS grid

Retro 1980's style Snake game, complete with retro font, layout, and sounds. Dynamic use of CSS Grid. Uses useEffect, setInterval to create game loop.

My Tech Stack

Front End

React, Redux, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, Apollo Client, Jest, React Testing Library, Next.js

Back End

Node.js, MongoDB, GraphQL, SQL, Keystone.js, Dockers


CSS, Material UI, Styled Components, Bootstrap, Bulma, Figma, Chakra UI


Ethers.js, Web3.js, Solidity, Wagmi, RainbowKit, Hardhat, Truffle

How to Get in Touch with Me

Also, be sure to check out my JavaScript blog that's been featured on hashnode: Indepth JavaScript.